Laura Loomer

Big League Politics/YouTube

Laura Loomer gets booted from Twitter for hate speech

She was banned after tweeting about Representative-elect Ilhan Omar.


Kris Seavers


Right-wing activist Laura Loomer has been permanently suspended from Twitter, multiple outlets reported on Wednesday.

Sean Campbell, a videographer who collaborates with Loomer, posted screenshots to Facebook showing Loomer’s suspension notice. Per the screenshots, Twitter found Loomer in violation of its “rules against hateful conduct” and cited a tweet from Loomer spouting falsehoods about Minnesota’s Democratic Representative-elect Ilhan Omar.

“Isn’t it ironic how the twitter moment used to celebrate ‘women, LGBTQ, and minorities’ is a picture of Ilhan Omar?” Loomer’s tweet said. “Ilhan is pro Sharia Ilhan is pro- FGB Under Sharia, homosexuals are oppressed & killed. Women are abused & forced to wear the hibah. Ilhan is anti Jewish.”

Campbell wrote that the suspension was “absolutely absurd and censorship at its core.” Loomer said in a Facebook post of her own that “Twitter decided to permanently suspend my account in an attempt to silence my voice.”

Following her suspension, conservatives defended Loomer on Twitter.

Loomer was previously suspended from Twitter for a week ahead of the 2018 midterms. The platform did not specify what rules Loomer broke at the time, and she decried the suspension as “election meddling.” The suspension came after she confronted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey during a congressional hearing in September.

The conservative provocateur was banned from Uber and Lyft last year after tweeting anti-Muslim statements.


The Daily Dot