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Justin Murphy/YouTube

One man’s take: If Greta Thunberg can talk about climate change, why can’t kids be prostitutes?

‘My dude, you just sent this out to thousands of people.’


Claire Goforth


Justin Murphy, formerly “a respectable member of the organized left,” has provided the internet with a prime example of what not to tweet.

Hoping to piggyback on the dialogue inspired by Greta Thunberg’s impassioned speech at the United Nations yesterday, Murphy tweeted, “Not even being provocative but if you think Greta Thunberg has the maturity to guide global policy-making then you cannot object to Jeffrey Epstein paying 16-year-olds for sex.”

Murphy’s argument—that prostituting minors should be legal if people also listen to their opinions— was of the rarest quality: It brought together people from left, right and center. As one, united voice, they annihilated him. This will be a familiar experience for the former University of Southampton professor who once opined that people who are pro-choice should also support necrophilia.

“Definitely not being provocative, but Justin Murphy has never once registered in broader consciousness except by comparing things to paedophilia, necrophilia, eugenics, and so on. It’s like clockwork. Just when you think he’ll never be mentioned again, this schtick reappears,” said one presumably horrified person. “This dude has the tremor from Tremors plus Kevin Bacon in his brain,” another quipped.

“Not even being provocative but if you think teenagers get to have political opinions then maybe child rape is also fine? Like and subscribe for more libertarian takes using epic logic,” @classiclib3ral responded.

So who is Justin Murphy? The self-described political scientist and “libertarian communist Catholic” is a blogger and podcaster who really wants you to become a patron and get this cool sticker that “nobody else will ever have.”

On his blog, Murphy waxes philosophic on “the ideology of Kekistan” and super-toxic masculinity as exemplified by John McAfee who, he notes, has “hyper-masculine drive” and “gnarly tribal tattoos.”

He has also been known to analyze the number of moral words per tweet by self-identified social justice warriors for some reason. On YouTube, he opines about such subjects as “cath-pilled shoplifting theory” and “Epstein-feminism.”

The deep learning he provides doesn’t work as well on Twitter as it does with whoever’s still reading Quillette.

So perhaps the next time he wants to share a thought with the world, maybe he should do himself a favor and just not.


The Daily Dot