Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar

Muslim woman wins primary in Minnesota—and the far right is terrified

Ilhan Omar’s win is really upsetting the Islamaphobes.


David Covucci


Yesterday, Ilhan Omar won the Democratic primary for Minnesota’s fifth congressional district. If she succeeds in November, she could become the first-ever Muslim woman elected to Congress (another Muslim woman in Michigan, Rashida Tlaib, is also running for the House).

That is cool. America has been in the grips of Islamaphobia since (basically) the first Gulf War, and that people are moving past that to try and bring about diverse voices to a democracy (which is what you want a democracy to be) is objectively great.

Unless you are a far-right conservative who believes that one person out of 438 people will bring about the end of the United States, instituting :screaming-cat-emoji: the United States of Islam.

It’s not gonna happen, but look at these folks freaking out over a little bit of diversity.

(But before we begin, a friendly reminder that Omar was … voted for. By voters. American voters. Who did democracy.)

Objectively analyzing the actions of nation-states through a lens other than Judeo-Christian values? We should all rather just be dead.

And yet hoping she loses is better than some responses, like those who called for President Donald Trump to intervene in Minnesota’s congressional elections.

Save the republic from Sharia law by instituting … a dictatorship.

It is truly sad when the results of a free and fair election don’t go your way. But it’s a sad day for you. Not a sad day for America. For in America, the millions of Muslims who live here get to see a representative of their religion have a voice in a Congress that routinely votes to bomb the countries they used to call home.

But back to the upset people. They are very upset, they want you to know.

Calm down. America will be fine, in fact better, because of this.

The Daily Dot