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Donald Trump wins Michigan primary

It’s his second win of the night.


Andrew Couts


Donald Trump has won the Michigan primary, scoring his second victory of the night. 

With 26 percent of precincts reporting, Trump commanded 38 percent of Michigan voters’ support. Ohio Gov. John Kasich followed the billionaire businessman with 26 percent, while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) earned the third-place spot with 23 percent, at the time of publication. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio earned the fewest votes, with percent support.

Trump topped the Republican field in Mississippi earlier Tuesday evening, securing the bulk of the state’s 40 delegates. Michigan awards 59 delegates, and both states distribute delegates proportionally based on voter support.

The real estate mogul has now won 14 of the 20 contents in the 2016 election so far.

Trump’s wins in Michigan and Mississippi further widen his lead in delegates. Not including those states, Trump has 384 delegates of the 1,237 needed to win the nomination.

The Republican presidential candidates will face consequential contests in Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, and North Carolina on March 15. All but North Carolina and Missouri are winner-take-all states. If Trump wins the majority of the delegates next week, he will make it difficult for any challenger to deny him the Republican presidential nomination. 

Update 8:38pm CT, March 8: Added additional contextual information.

Update 11:34pm CT, March 8: Cruz has won the Idaho primary.

 Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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