Donald Trump smiling at CPAC 2017

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Donald Trump returns to Twitter, says Obamacare ‘will explode’ and then he’ll fix it

Is Obamacare exploding, or is it imploding?


Josh Katzowitz


About 16 hours after Donald Trump and the Congressional Republicans suffered a major defeat on the American Healthcare Act, the president returned to Twitter to explain the future of healthcare in the U.S.

1) Obamacare will explode.

2) Trump will be there to fix it.

3) Do not worry.

4) Watch Fox News.

Here’s what Trump tweeted at about 10:40am ET, about four hours later than he normally begins his day of Twitter-posting on Saturdays.

Then, three minutes later, he tweeted this.

That one tweet on the death of his massive campaign promise to repeal Obamacare might show that as, numerous reports have said in the past 24 hours, Trump is tired of the healthcare debate and perhaps couldn’t figure out whether Paul Ryan’s bill was actually a good one.

Earlier this month, Trump also said Obamacare was imploding.

Considering something can’t explode and implode at the same time, perhaps it’s no wonder that neither Republicans nor Trump could come together Friday to “save the day.”

The Daily Dot