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Donald Trump spent a live television interview bashing Madonna and ‘SNL’

He covers a variety of topics, to say the least.


Michelle Jaworski


Just one day after his eyebrow-raising interview with ABC’s David Muir, President Donald Trump sat down with Sean Hannity in another conversation that already has people talking.

Fresh off declaring that “journalism is dead,” Hannity went to the White House to interview Trump. While it covered many of the same things Muir’s interview did the night before, it had a much different tone and it wasn’t long before Hannity was criticized by some members of the press.

Trump spouted about everything from Saturday Night Live, to Obamacare, to waterboarding, but many of his responses still shows he cares tremendously about his image.

1) Trump is upset about Time’s incorrect reporting on a Martin Luther King Jr. bust missing from the Oval Office

On Trump’s first day in office, Time reporter Zeke Miller initially reported the King bust that Barack Obama put in the Oval Office had been removed. It turned out that the bust was in the office along with one of Winston Churchill the press had spotted, and Miller issued a correction and apologized. Despite accepting the apology, Sean Spicer chided Time for “deliberately false reporting” over the next few days, and now Trump has done so as well almost a week into his presidency.

“That’s a very, very serious charge because that’s a racist charge,” Trump said. “Then when it was revealed they were wrong, nobody talks about it.”

That is simply not true.

2) He called Madonna “disgusting”

Many criticized Madonna’s speech at the Women’s March last week because it was filled with expletives and because she said she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” (Madonna later said her quote was taken out of context.) Trump was not a fan of it and called her comments “disgraceful to our country.”

“Honestly, she’s disgusting,” Trump said. “I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt that whole cause.”

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3) He criticized Saturday Night Live—but not because of its portrayal of him

While Trump calls out SNL’s portrayal of him on Twitter after every Alec Baldwin appearance, he hadn’t appeared to say much after an SNL writer was suspended for a distasteful Twitter joke about his 10-year-old son Barron. He addressed it with Hannity, believing that SNL itself attacked Barron.

“I don’t mind some humor but it’s terrible,” Trump said. “For them to attack, for NBC to attack my 10-year-old son…it’s a disgrace. He’s a great boy. And it’s not an easy thing for him. Believe me.”

4) He still believes the media is lying, but continued on about his inauguration crowd size

When Hannity asked Trump if he wants to rethink his relationship with the media after they “[colluded] with Hillary’s campaign to defeat” him, Trump called the media liars before parroting one of his go-to falsehoods.

“I had the largest audience,” Trump explained. “If you add the television, you add all the sources, the largest audience in the history of inaugurations. I did.”

He didn’t, and that’s also not how ratings work.

5) The two speculated David Muir would waterboard someone if someone kidnapped his child

Trump once again discussed waterboarding and how he believes it falls short of torture, but said he won’t use it because Defense Secretary James Mattis told him no. However, that launched a bizarre conversation about whether Muir would waterboard a kidnapper if someone took his child. (Muir doesn’t have children.)

H/T Sky News

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