john mcccain donald trump

Photos via Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Trump accused of sending phony well-wishes to John McCain

There’s history here.


David Covucci


Late Wednesday night, news broke that doctors at the Mayo Clinic diagnosed Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) with a brain tumor.

As news of the tumor, discovered during a procedure to remove a blood clot, rippled through Washington, everyone offered their well-wishes to one of American’s most admired and respected statesmen.

The president of the United States also tweeted out support for McCain.

The full statement reads:

Senator John McCain has always been a fighter. Melania and I send our thoughts and prayers to Senator McCain, Cindy, and their entire family. Get well soon.

That terse language rubbed some people the wrong way, given Trump’s past criticism of McCain. During the primaries, Trump said he preferred heroes who don’t get captured, a dismissive reference to McCain’s time a prisoner of war in Vietnam, where he was repeatedly tortured. People were also upset it took several hours after the news for Trump to tweet about it. (The White House issued the same statement about an hour before the president’s tweet.)

Others pointed out that the expression of sympathy possibly didn’t come from Trump himself.

After McCain’s initial surgery for the clot, Trump wished him well, calling him a “crusty voice” in the Senate, saying that he hoped he’d return so he could get his healthcare vote.

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