Donald Trump tweet Chuck Todd sleepy eyes

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Donald Trump insults NBC’s Chuck Todd on Twitter, asks why he won’t stop reporting on Russia

Donald Trump is still ripping journalists.


Josh Katzowitz


After turning his Twitter ire to fellow Republicans this week, President Donald Trump focused his attention on Saturday morning back to the people he loves to insult the most: the media.

This time, Trump turned to NBC’s Chuck Todd to ask why he wasn’t reporting on Trump’s claim that former President Barack Obama spied on him.

Trump originally claimed Obama had spied on him in what is now a widely-debunked tweet, and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, has found himself in trouble after apparently receiving classified intelligence about the Obama administration’s surveillance from the current presidential administration and then lying about his sources.

This is not the first time Trump has called Todd “sleepy eyes.” Business Insider in 2016 counted that Trump had used the “sleepy eyes” nickname for Todd a total of 16 times between 2012 and 2016.

A few minutes after his initial tweet on Saturday, Trump continued to try to push the narrative that his administration and presidential campaign had nothing to do with Russia.

As for why Trump was tweeting about Todd on Saturday morning, here’s one possibility.

Update 9:37am CT: This was Todd’s response when he woke up Saturday morning.

The Daily Dot