Propaganda art from Doghead Division


Is Doghead Division a ‘self-improvement’ group for vets or a neo-fascist front?

Doghead Division is said to have ties to the neo-fascist group Operation Werewolf.


Mikael Thalen


A self-described network of “combat veterans, first responders, and reformed violent criminals” has been accused of having ties to fascist hate groups.

Doghead Division, based primarily out of Texas, paints itself as a self-improvement group aimed at bettering the lives of its members and their families.

But according to Corvallis Against Fascism, an anti-fascist group out of Oregon, numerous members in Doghead Division are connected to the nationwide pagan neo-fascist group known as Operation Werewolf (OPWW).

Corvallis Against Fascism states that Operation Werewolf “acts as a feeder group” for the Virginia-based white supremacist cult Wolves of Vinland.

“Using self-help techniques to radicalize and recruit has long been a tactic employed by fascists and the far-right,” Corvallis Against Fascism writes. “They target vulnerable and disaffected people with the intent to bring them into their movements.”

Despite the alleged aims of Doghead Division, Corvallis Against Fascism says the group regularly uses “imagery that closely resembles that of siegepilled Nazi terrorist groups like Atomwaffen and Sonnenkreig Division.”

Although it’s unclear what exactly the group and its members do, Doghead Division states that it seeks to “weaponize our demons into forces for good in our lives.”

“It is our mission to help combat veterans, first responders, and reformed violent criminals with the unique challenges that they face in daily life,” the group’s Facebook page states. “Our methods only apply to those hardened in the fires of chaos and death.”

Nolan Annett, according to Corvallis Against Fascism, not only leads Doghead Division but belongs to OPWW as well.

Annett’s Instagram account even describes infamous cult leader Charles Manson, who attempted to incite a race war by orchestrating several murders, as a “prophet.”

Another Doghead Division member, Sean Tahtinen, known online as #978607 and Verwulf Tyrant, is said to produce artwork for the group.

Tahtinen is likewise accused of belonging to OPWW and has a long history of extreme violence.

Steven Bitzko, another alleged member known online as Bitzkreig, is said to be a police officer with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Texas.

Bitzko’s social media accounts also appear to show him wearing an OPWW shirt and sharing the writings of OPWW’s leader.

Corvallis Against Fascism argues that Doghead Division is “particularly concerning” given their attempts to “radicalize veterans” with combat experience.

The Daily Dot