A strange claim that sperm contains brain cells is taking the internet by storm.
On Tuesday, a Twitter user wrote, “During intercourse the woman absorbs the literal cerebral fluid and essence of the man she’s sleeping with, the fluid that contains the nutrients the man chooses to feed his brain; so don’t ever ‘it’s just sex, I’m free and liberated’ me.”

They claimed that absorbing the cerebral fluid that’s supposedly in jizz fundamentally alters women and that having multiple partners will mess up their entire life.
“You’re not choosing just a partner but a new way of living, a new way of existing in this world. Now imagine switching up your fuel every other day, month or week; that’s how you create a malfunctioning vessel of confusion and chaos,” @tenomnft wrote.
They did not indicate whether the same would be true of men who have sex with men. They also did not say whether swallowing cum has the same effect.
Most people had never heard that sperm contains brain cells, but it’s actually been around (and debunked) for centuries. In the medieval era, people believed that there was a direct connection from the brain to the spinal cord and then to the penis. Leonardo da Vinci actually played a part in debunking this claim.
That didn’t stop it from popping up hundreds of years later, including the present day.
The tweet about sperm having brain fluid in it quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of interactions. Many people mocked it.
One user joked, “Call me the brain collector.”
“Please support STEM education. She said the pussy makes his brain dry,” another commented.
Some people came to @tenomnft’s defense. Debates between Team Jizz Contains Brain Cells and Team WTF No It Doesn’t broke out in the comments.
“Girl, how do you absorb cerebral fluid? Through a straw in the brain through sex or something?” one person wondered
This prompted another to retort, “You do know that for a man to ejaculate, the contents of the sperm content all matters if his body right? It flows from his spine downward. You going onto Google researching the word but not how sperm is life force & men are practically shortening their life every time they release is funny to me.”
@tenomnft eventually made their Twitter account private.
They did not respond to a request for comment sent via email Thursday afternoon.