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How to change your Twitter name to an Election Day countdown

It’s almost over.


Aaron Sankin


When is Election Day? The answer: Tuesday, Nov. 8. You already knew that, of course, but what about everyone else? 

Max Temkin, co-creator of the ribald party game Cards Against Humanity and founder of the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC The Nuisance Committee, teamed with programmer and former Code For America fellow Alex Soble to create an app that turns your Twitter handle into a daily countdown to the 2016 election.

That app is called Countdown Name.

(Sorry, this embed was not found.)

Now, all the social media marking thought leaders, white nationalist trolls, and porn-y spambots who follow you on Twitter will be subjected to regular reminders about the importance of voting.

However, you may want your own bespoke Election Day-themed Twitter name. If so, please feel free to select from the following list:

  • Please God, Let It End
  • This Election Is Hell
  • I Need This To Be Over
  • **Soft Weeping**
  • **Loud Sobbing**
  • **Uncontrollable Crying**
  • You’re Really Voting For Trump?
  • You’re Really Voting For Hillary?
  • You’re Really Voting For Johnson?
  • You’re Really Voting For Stein?
  • You’re Really Voting For McMullin?
  • Wait, Who’s McMullin
  • An Independent GOP Candidate. Does He Matter?
  • Kinda, He Might Win Utah
  • The Whole State?
  • Polls Show He’s Close
  • When’s The Last Time That Happened?
  • 1968
  • Wow, That’s Nuts
  • How You Doing These Days?
  • Can’t Complain. Alice?
  • She’s Good, Too
  • You Two Wanna Come By My Place On Election Night, We’re Making Stroganoff 
  • I Love Stroganoff
  • It’s The Best
  • We’re Totally There
  • Bring A Bottle Of Red?
  • Done And Done
  • 7 days til election
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