Joel Berry, the managing editor of the Babylon Bee, fired off a series of tweets in reaction to the 2022 midterms results, saying Democratic women are “wracked with guilt from abortion, and wandering from partner to partner.”
The tweets, which make a number of accusations, allege that Democrats also stole the election and are “Communist revolutionaries.”
The Babylon Bee is a satirical website; however, Berry’s comments do appear to have been made in earnest. Multiple Republicans have had similar takes on the election.
“The Babylon Bee guy is taking it well,” wrote Aaron Fritschner, communications director for Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.).
Berry’s rant came over a series of tweets.
“It’s not Republican messaging. It’s not low-quality candidates. It’s not Trump. It’s not abortion. It’s mass mail-in/drop-box voting,” he said, perpetuating a claim that has been continually disproven. “It’s as simple as that. And Republicans will never win another election unless it’s stopped.”
But, according to Berry, it is voters. And abortion.
“Unmarried women in America are lost, miserable, addicted to SSRIs and alcohol, wracked with guilt from abortion, and wandering from partner to partner. They are the Democrats’ core base now, and the Democrats will do everything possible to manufacture more of them,” he said.
“The sooner Republicans realize their opponents are Communist revolutionaries who worship power and will do anything necessary to achieve it, the better. Don’t mess around with these people. They will kill the greatest nation on earth and we’ll have your weakness to thank for it … It’s astounding to me that this isn’t obvious to more in Republican leadership, who seem to prefer finger-pointing and infighting over actually fighting back against the godless communist orcs trying to ruin this great country.”
Berry received major pushback on his tweets from both the left and the right, with one user calling his takes “the last, desperate gasp of the patriarchy.”
“You will be shocked to find this individual has decided the best way to deal with losing female voters is to say they’re drunk and drugged out sluts,” one user said.
“Spitballing here but perhaps Republicans talking about women like this is why women aren’t voting for them,” said another.
“When you get married you immediately get your SSRIs taken from you,” another joked.
Berry is just one of a slew of Republicans struggling to cope with the dismal results for the GOP during the midterms. Analysts and pundits expected a “red wave” and a rebuke of President Joe Biden, but Democrats won tightly contested races in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona, clinching control of the Senate.
Their losses in the House were also much smaller than expected, with Republicans only expected to gain a tiny majority.
According to CNN exit polls, women made up over half of the electorate during the midterms, with 53% of them breaking for Democrats.