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Majority of Americans still have no idea what Google Glass is

The cutting-edge headset display hasn’t exactly captured the national imagination.


Miles Klee


The face-mounted and widely mocked computer known as Google Glass may be old news to tech dweebs and assorted Internet addicts, but it hasn’t made much of an impact on your average American over the past few months. A recent survey by Glass Almanac, a blog devoted to the device, found that just 4 out of 10 people were able to identify it in a photo.

The percentage of respondents who weren’t sure what the headset was called—58.5 percent, to be exact—essentially echoed the result of a larger study conducted by Google Consumer Surveys in August. That questionnaire found that men and younger people were more likely to be familiar with Google Glass, with more than half of 18-to-24-year-olds producing the correct name.

With mainstream media coverage on the device fairly nonexistent since late spring of this year and wider consumer availability still somewhere over the horizon, it appears that for now, Google Glass will remain an object mostly associated with twenty-something dudes. But let’s be honest: they’re pretty much the only demographic shameless enough to wear it.

H/T Glass Almanac | Photo by Ted Eytan/Flickr

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