stephen colbert

Screengrab via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube

Colbert gives Trump’s ‘empowering women’ speech the edit it needed

Remember his p***y grabbing comments? Yeah, that.


Michelle Jaworski


Donald Trump, a president who has said a lot of terrible things about women despite claims that he has the utmost respect for them, spoke at a women’s empowerment forum Wednesday, so Stephen Colbert took it as a chance to show what Trump really meant.

Colbert tackled the forum in his monologue, noting his attendance as something he was doing instead of throwing out the first pitch on Opening Day. He highlighted aspects of the “awkward” occasion—only instead he played clips from Trump’s infamous 2005 Access Hollywood video to demonstrate what Trump really thinks of women.

He eventually played some of the real audio of Trump’s remarks, where the president is seen praising women for being smarter.

“Yeah, women are just so much smarter than men,” Colbert replied. “I don’t know why we didn’t elect one president!”

H/T Fortune

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