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Samantha Bee takes down Paul Ryan’s ‘courage’

Paul Ryan: A portrait of courage.


Michelle Jaworski


Samantha Bee hasn’t shied away from tearing into Donald Trump’s mannerisms, scandals, and policies since he was elected, but now she’s setting her sights on Paul Ryan.

Calling him a “faithful husky,” Bee illustrates just how Ryan, who many people see as the soul of the Republican party, went from feebly condemning Trump’s policies (but not Trump himself) to having to justify those policies on news shows. Despite the “courage” people speak of, Bee claims Ryan would’ve voted for Cthulhu if it meant privatizing Medicaid.

To show how effective Ryan’s attempts to condemn Trump were, Bee used a side-by-side comparison between Ryan and Taylor Swift whenever she wins an award. It’s funny, but remember, in the end, if it comes to impeachment, it’ll be Ryan who will have to draft it.

“Take another cue from Taylor Swift, Mr. Speaker,” Bee said. “Know when to dump the guy you’ve only been pretending to like to help your career. It’s kind of hurting your ‘moral compass of the party’ brand.”

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The Daily Dot