Trump and Kardashian

Gage Skidmore/Flickr Eva Rinaldi/Flickr (CC-BY) Kris Seavers

This photo of Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump might be the most cursed image of 2018

‘But what does the embroidery on her pants say?’


Kris Seavers


President Donald Trump on Wednesday tweeted what may be the most cursed image of the year: It’s a photo of him smiling at his Oval Office desk with a solemn Kim Kardashian West at his side. The internet is horrified and coping with jokes, of course.

“Great meeting with @KimKardashian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing,” the president wrote.

Kardashian’s White House visit was anticipated. She had been planning to meet with Trump and other officials, including Jared Kushner, to discuss prison reform and ask for the pardon of a 62-year-old woman in jail.

What wasn’t anticipated was the photo that came out of the Kardashian-Trump meet up.

Daily Beast writer and critic Ira Madison III pointed out an intriguing coincidence: Kardashian’s appearance with Trump comes on the 20th day that first lady Melania Trump has been absent from the public eye.

Amid many conspiracy theories, the Kardashian photo brings up a new one: Has she been replaced?

Of course, there were many other jokes made about a famous reality star discussing prison reform with another famous reality star who just happens to be president, because that’s the only way to digest the hellish reality the photo represents.

Even beyond the dystopian implications, there were other questions about the photo. For example, what’s up with Kardashian’s pants?

And when’s the beauty line dropping?

But here’s the biggest question: Why didn’t any of us see this coming?

The Daily Dot