Kevin Spacey speaking

Photo via Yannik Bikker/Shutterstock (Licensed)

Kevin Spacey’s sexual assault accuser reportedly has video evidence

If convicted, Spacey could face five years in prison.


Samira Sadeque


Actor Kevin Spacey’s alleged sexual assault of a young man in 2016 was reportedly recorded on the victim’s Snapchat, Agence France-Presse reported Thursday.

The victim, who has been identified as William Little, reportedly took the video to send to his girlfriend at a bar near Boston, Mass., after she didn’t believe his initial accounts.

Little was 18-years-old when the incident took place in 2016, though he claimed to Spacey that he was 23-years-old before the two began drinking together. Little was working as a busboy at the restaurant where two-time Oscar winner Spacey was present, and Little had stayed behind to take photos with the actor.

After the two began drinking, Spacey reportedly invited Little to his place with a group of other friends. Little declined, suspecting that Spacey would try to “seduce” him.

When Little later asked for a photo with him, Spacey offered again for him to come to his place in exchange for a photo, and then began molesting him, which the victim then recorded on Snapchat to send to his girlfriend.

“Will tried to shift away with his body and move Spacey’s hands away with his hands but Spacey kept reaching down his pants,” the charges against Spacey read. “Will said his girlfriend did not believe him so that’s when he Snapchatted the video.”

Spacey is scheduled to be formally charged on Jan. 7 in Nantucket, where the restaurant in question is located. He could face up to five years of prison if charged.


H/T Agence France-Presse

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