us trailer i got 5 on it

Universal Pictures/YouTube

Why does Jordan Peele’s ‘Us’ trailer feature ‘I Got 5 On It’?

The conspiracy theories are in full force.


Elizabeth VanMetre


You may have to cover your eyes to watch Jordan Peele’s Us movie trailer, but your head will be bopping to the soundtrack.

“I Got 5 On It” is the song of choice and while a really freaking good throwback, many are already speculating if the tune actually has to do with the film. One thing is for certain: You’ll never hear 1995 Luniz song the same again.

The movie stars Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke as a couple taking a trip with the kids. That’s when they begin to see clone versions of themselves that are trying to kill them. The major theme: We are our own worst enemies.

But it’s the trailer’s remix of the Luniz’s hit “I Got 5 On It” that people can’t seem to get out of their head.

People are also thinking that like Peele’s previous directorial effort, Get Out, Us will have hidden Easter eggs throughout.

Some have pointed out that the song choice could have to do with the five main characters possibly including a white friend played by Elizabeth Moss. As the Root writes: “There are five main characters here. The father, mother, son, daughter and the random white lady (I already don’t trust her for reasons).”

Theories are already popping up on Twitter including speculation of some connection between Peele’s two films.

And the possible meanings of the film found in the trailer.

During an interview in February, Peele said this film wouldn’t be about race.

“I’m just trying to entertain myself again,” he told the Hollywood Reporter.

But as the trailer reveals, he will surely push social boundaries and take up other hot-button topics.

“One thing I know is that this is genre; and playing around with the thriller, horror, action, fun genre of intrigue is my favorite,” he said. “That’s my sweet spot. So I think tonally it should resemble Get Out. That said, I want to make a completely different movie.”

Us comes to theaters in March. 

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