
George Takei just delivered the pep talk all Americans need right now

Mr. Sulu to the rescue.

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

Americans were in a weird place last night. 

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Between seeing state after state fall to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump‘s favor, and the internet furiously trying immigrate to Canada as fast as possible, one thing became extremely apparent: This man could actually become the president of the United States.

(Spoiler alert: He did.)

But amid the nation’s collective rising panic, America’s soothing voice of reason George Takei posted a series of tweets letting us know that not all is lost.


Takei, who is a vocal gay rights advocate and survived Japanese-American internment camps in Arkansas during World War II, encouraged Americans to stand up for equality and justice despite the outcome of the election.







In 2014, Takei delivered a TED Talk entitled, “Why I love a country that once betrayed me.” If anyone could inject a ray of positivity into this post-election conversation, it would be him.

The Daily Dot