Cardi B politics president

Cardi B/YouTube

Cardi B says she wants to be a politician—and people have mixed feelings

Cardi B 2020?


Samira Sadeque


Cardi B said on Twitter on Sunday that she wants to be a politician–people have mixed feelings about it. 

“I think I want to be a politician. I really love government even tho I don’t agree with Goverment,” she wrote on Twitter. 


The tweet garnered thousands of responses and shares in just a matter of hours. Fans shared their love and support, others cautioned her from pursuing politics, and some were completely against the idea. 

After she announced it, some volunteered themselves (or their friends) to be a part of her campaign. Others went so far as to say that she should run for president.

Some people weren’t feeling it and pointed out the glaring spelling error in her tweet. (Although, it was likely a typing mistake because she spelled it correct the first time.) 

“Sis can’t even spell,” Twitter user @Noahh1Gomez wrote.


The Daily Dot