ben affleck

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia (CC-BY-SA)

Makeup artist says Ben Affleck groped her in 2014

She says he ‘cupped’ her butt.


Danielle Ransom


In the wake of a dozen-plus women coming forward with sexual-abuse allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, former associate Ben Affleck has become another industry elite surrounded by troubling allegations. Makeup artist Annamarie Tendler tweeted that the actor groped her at the 2014 Golden Globes party Wednesday afternoon.

Internet users have dug up old, harassment-filled interviews Affleck did on MTV and in Canada, but this marks the first accusation stemming from a behind-the-scenes encounter presented against the Batman actor.

“I would also love to get an apology from Ben Affleck who grabbed my ass at the Golden Globes party in 2014,” Tendler says in the first tweet, before following with more tweets detailing how the actor “cupped” her butt and tried to play it off.

On Tuesday Affleck came under scrutiny after the sincerity of his public statement denouncing Weinstein came under fire: Rose McGowan called him out in a tweet, stating he was well aware of Weinstein’s alleged conduct for years.

After McGowan’s call-out, former Total Request Live host Hilarie Burton said Affleck groped her on-air in 2003 less than a day after his statement, followed by a 2004 video resurfacing where the actor made several inappropriate comments about TV host Anne-Marie Losique’s breasts and held her in his lap.

Affleck tweeted out an apology Wednesday for acting “inappropriately toward Ms. Burton,” but did not address Tendler’s claim.

H/T the Cut

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