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Azealia Banks reveals more apparent messages between her and Grimes

Banks accused of Grimes being a ‘pathological liar.’


Onaje McDowelle


It looks like Azealia Banks isn’t ready to move on from the apparent feud between her, Grimes, and Elon Musk just yet.

In an Instagram Story on Tuesday, Banks shared a message exchange allegedly between herself and Grimes, accusing the fellow musician of being a “pathological liar.”

Azealia Banks/Instagram

In the message thread, Grimes seems to be doing damage control regarding Banks’ claims that she overheard the Tesla CEO on a phone call with investors saying that he planned to take the company private.

The thread appears to show Grimes, his girlfriend, saying she had recently introduced Musk to weed and that his new vice was the reason for an investigation from the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission.

The thread also appears to reveal a pregnancy pact (or a joke about one) between the two women. “We need to find you a bf so we can be pregnant at the same time,” says an apparent message from Grimes. Banks then tells Grimes to “do your album, sober up then get pregnant.”

Last week, Banks said in an Instagram Story that she had spent the weekend at Musk’s Los Angeles home, where she was supposed to meet Grimes for a collaborative studio session.

Musk allegedly got an attorney involved, and Banks said in a later post that he confiscated her phone and was deleting evidence. Musk initially denied ever meeting Banks, then told the New York Times he spotted her “as she was leaving” but didn’t recognize her.

After demanding her phone back for several posts, Banks wrote, “Staying at Elon Musks house has been like a real like episode of Get Out.” The rapper allegedly “waited around all weekend” before Grimes allegedly ghosted and offered her a first-class trip back to New York.

Since the drama unfolded, Musk and Grimes have reportedly unfollowed each other on social media, Business Insider reports.

In her most recent story post about the matter, Banks said that she won’t be made out to be a liar by either Musk or Grimes.

“Going home. without my phone,” she wrote on Tuesday. “I can’t stay here for any more of this shit. I have a whole company, tour, and album to tend to. Peace the fuck out.”

The Daily Dot