hilaria baldwin miscarriage instagram post


Hilaria Baldwin opens up on Instagram about her likely miscarriage

‘I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage.’


Gabrielle Sorto


Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Baldwin, opened up in an emotional Instagram post about her “likely miscarriage.”

In the post, she explained that she is in the early stages of her pregnancy and miscarriage is a likely outcome. “The embryo has a heartbeat, but it isn’t strong, and the baby isn’t growing very much,” she wrote.

Baldwin said she wanted to be open about her experience because she promised herself she would share the news if she were to ever get pregnant again, “even if that means suffering a public loss.”

“I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage and remove the stigma from it,” she wrote in the lengthy post. “There is so much secrecy during the first trimester. This works for some, but I personally find it to be exhausting.”


Hilaria and Alec have been married since 2012 and have four children together, who she said help her “keep it together.”

Her experience is not uncommon. Miscarriages happen in around 10 percent of known pregnancies, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Many people on Twitter applauded her transparency and honesty about a topic that isn’t often discussed publicly.

Some people even shared their own experiences with miscarriage.


Baldwin ended her post by asking her followers to “be kind” in the comments. “I’m hoping, that by sharing this, I can contribute to raising awareness about this sensitive topic,” she wrote.


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*First Published:

The Daily Dot