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Alec Baldwin channels president-elect at New York’s anti-Trump protest

When I get to the Russian consulate, I’m going to have a really, really long pee.


Michelle Jaworski


Alec Baldwin took his Trump impression to the streets of New York as thousands protested President-elect Donald Trump on the eve of his inauguration.

The We Stand United rally had an all-star selection of speakers, including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Robert De Niro, Sally Field, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Moore, and Baldwin. Moore introduced Baldwin to the crowd, who left the Saturday Night Live makeup at home but brought his Trump-disapproved impression with him.

“I just want to say, I’ve been standing out here in the freezing cold for a long time,” Baldwin said in Trump’s voice. “I have to go to the bathroom—I have to pee. But I’m holding it in, holding it in. I’m not going to pee. I’m going to a function at the Russian consulate tonight; I’m going to hold it in until I get there. And then when I get to the Russian consulate, I’m going to have a really, really long pee. Like the biggest pee I’ve ever had in my lifetime.”

Baldwin spoke of the resilience of New Yorkers as he called for 100 days of resistance. He also voiced his support of the IDNYC program and the importance of informing children about what is happening in the world. At the end, he couldn’t help but take the piss out of Trump one last time—though it won’t be the last time we see Baldwin’s Trump impression.

You can watch the entire rally below. (Baldwin’s appearance starts around 1:42:18.)

H/T Entertainment Weekly

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