Internet Culture

Guy livetweets hospital trip with a vibrating dildo stuck in his butt

Of all the things to livetweet, a trip to the hospital with a dildo stuck in your rear would have to be the pinnacle of TMI.

Photo of Kris Holt

Kris Holt

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Of all the things to livetweet, a trip to the hospital with a dildo stuck in your rear would have to be the pinnacle of TMI.


Twitter user @Grawly, who claims to have suffered such a fate late Thursday, shared the experience of having to go to the hospital to have the sex toy unplugged.

It could be a joke. We’ll have to wait for the X-rays, which he promised at 2pm.

UPDATE: PROOF? “heres an xray of a dildo shoved up my big gay ass,” @Grawly tweeted:


There’s the hospital’s information. I called but couldn’t get anyone there to confirm they’d treated a man with a vibrating-dildo issue. 

And how’s he doing now?


There is no better way to share this whole saga than with a Storify, so you can see how it all played out. (Warning: might be a little unsafe for work, because obviously.)


Photo via @Grawly/Twitter

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