High school students crying over the renaming of Robert E Lee high school

Screengrab via ArianaLubelliTV/Twitter

Robert E. Lee high school name change brings students to tears

You all know who Robert E. Lee is, right?


Tiffany Kelly

Internet Culture

A high school in San Antonio, Texas voted on Monday to change the school’s name from Robert E. Lee High School to LEE High School (despite many other great suggestions). LEE stands for Legacy of Educational Excellence. The move was intended to shed the high school of its ties to the Confederacy in the wake of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in August. The name change, which keeps the LEE part, seemed like a way to placate everyone.

But some students, who presumably haven’t read about the Civil War yet, are really upset. They’re crying about the name change.

The internet’s reactions to the students crying about a name change were spot-on.




Why would any teenagers even care this much about high school?

And anyway, as some pointed out… the name is still LEE.



Like the jersey will still say LEE and everything. How’s that for progress?

The Daily Dot