
Stimulate your Pokéballs with this actual Pokémon porn

The adventures of Gash, Fisty, Cock, and Dikachu.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

This article contains explicit material and may be NSFW.

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You’ve never seen your favorite Pokémon trainers like this before.

For fans of the pocket monster empire, the creative geniuses over at have created Strokémon, a porn parody of the video game that countless kids spent countless hours playing. It’s Pokémon—all grown up.

Complete with Gash, Fisty, Cock, and Dikachu, the trailer features XXX revisions of our favorite explorers and their super-powered companions. Apparently, Gash has a huge dick, Team Rocket is still a pain the ass, and Cock is getting his nether regions checked out by the pink-wigged Nurse Joy. There are also jokes about Dr. Oz and Brian Williams’s career. 


You can watch the technically safe-for-work trailer, but be warned: it’s also not actually safe for work:

Head on over to Wood Rocket for the complete video and have one of your fondest childhood memories defiled.

Photo via Wood Rocket/YouTube

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