Overwatch Nintendo Switch

Image via Blizzard

Fans think they found a major clue about the next Overwatch hero

Maybe the new character isn’t human at all.


AJ Moser

Internet Culture

Overwatch was one of the biggest games of 2016, and continues to grow thanks to new events and heroes. Two additional characters, Ana and Sombra, have been added to the game thus far, and fans think the third is right around the corner. 

Blizzard published a very intriguing piece of lore to the official Overwatch website on Tuesday, a Spotlight on Numbani. This article featured an interview with 11-year-old inventor, Efi Oladele—a brand new character in the game’s universe. While there were no announcements made in this post, fans took the young girl’s comment that she has “an idea” of the next robot she will be working on to be a hint at the competitive shooter’s next playable character.


While Efi herself might not be an obvious choice to join the game’s cast of soldiers and war heroes, her invention may. Fans dug up a piece of concept art that appeared during Blizzcon, and resurfaced recently at the company’s DICE Summit featuring a large robot spider. 

The creature is shown alongside playable characters like Tracer and Winston, in what seems intended to be gameplay, based on the first-person view.


However, there seem to be a group of smaller creatures around this character as well. Whether this is one of the hero’s abilities or indication that it might be a naturally occurring map hazard instead of a playable character remains to be seen. 

The game’s director Jeff Kaplan has teased upcoming additions to Overwatch, mentioning that the next hero will be something players aren’t expecting.

H/T Kotaku.

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