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Instagram commenters desperately thirsting for Michael Cera’s ‘big fat c**k’

It’s a simple request.


Gabe Bergado

Internet Culture

While Michael Cera isn’t active on social networks like Twitter or Instagram, that doesn’t mean some sort of twisted online embodiment of the actor doesn’t exist. 

Not only is the Superbad movie star badly Photoshopped every single day by a meme-loving Imgurian, there’s also the Instagram account “samepictureofmichaelcera,” which has reposted a single image of the actor for the past two years, racking up over 16,000 followers. 

But now something even stranger is happening on the Instagram account @michaelcera. You might expect that @michaelcera would be Cera himself, as many other comedic actors use their name as their social handles. But it’s quite obviously not Cera. The only picture uploaded is from 238 weeks ago, captionless, and quite unfortunately uses what looks to be the worst filter known to mankind: Kelvin. 

There’s a trove of A+ comments here, including “jasmines nephews going to look like him when he grows up lmao” and ” omg even peters is so hot😍.” But more recently, people have come to this shrine of Cera to barrage it with one simple request:

“God I need that big fat cock.”

Like, actually. Looks like there’s a huge line for Cera’s big fat cock. 

The resurgent thirst for a deep Cera dicking looks to be the fault of Tumblr user businessshag, who brought attention to the cardinal cock call.

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After seeing this, people flocked to the Instagram to echo @crucifyings. The user seems pretty proud of their #impact.

We may finally understand why Cera stays off the Internet. 

The Daily Dot