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Area genius vandalizes movie posters to make them all about ducks

Silly and surreal.


Dylan Love

Internet Culture

If we really want to talk about diversity in popular entertainment, we can’t ignore the work that one Jeff Wysaski is doing in Los Angeles. He’s altering movie posters around town to be more duck-inclusive, and the results are totally awesome.

“Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” + ducks = “Paul Squawk: Duck Cop 2.” The pond has a new high roller.

“Hot Pursuit” + ducks = “Duck Pursuit.” Winged and sort of dangerous.

“Mad Max: Fury Road” + ducks = “Mad Ducks: Feather Road.” Waddle lovely day.

The tagline from “Pitch Perfect 2” + ducks = “We’re ducks, bitches.”

This silly and inane duck effort appears to be par for Wysaski’s surreal course. His Tumblr features all kinds of other obviously manufactured signs displayed in public places, such as the one below, which he hung up in a parking garage. He’s like Banksy crossed with children’s cereal.

In the meantime, let’s hope mainstream Hollywood gets the message: More duck-centric entertainment, please.

Photo via Obvious Plant/Tumblr

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