What’s your favorite symphony? Midolline’s sixth? Wrong, dude! Midiolline’s a pasta! But you don’t know that, because Italian names are impossible and their pasta is seemingly named after every family in the whole country.
That’s why a game like “Composer or Pasta”—an Option A or Option B game like “Fashion or Porn” and “Ikea or Death Metal”— is so difficult: It challenges you to figure out if the name you’re looking at derives from a pasta or symphonist. And while Carulli may be easy—anybody who played guitar in school should remember the Methode complete pour la Guitarre Op. 27—an item called Torchio’s far more impossible to predict.
(They’re like little combinations of spaghetti and rigatoni. Don’t forget.)
I got 56 out of 100 correct since beginning the composition of this article, and guessed blindly on every one except for ziti. Put those numbers in your manicotti slicer.
Photo via Mike McCune/Flickr