Internet Culture

Watch a big ol’ bear try and chase down a mountain biker

This bear was clearly unhappy with humans peddling through his forest.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

bear chases mountain bikers

In 2014, much ado was made of a video which purported to show a mountain biker being chased by a grizzly bear. Although the video seemed terrifying at first, it was quickly called out as fake by the YouTube community, a claim that has since be verified by Snopes.

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A similar video of a woman being chased while snowboarding has also been called into question. While the jury is still out on that one, the general consensus seems to be that it is also fake.

Still, animals do sometimes chase bikers. Such as these guys in South Africa who have a run in, or more accurately a run with, an ostrich, or these fellas in Alberta, Canada, who actually did have an encounter with a bear.


This latest GoPro video is one of the most terrifying yet. Not only does it appear to be totally real, but the bear is clearly unhappy with the bikers and gets way to close for comfort.

Screengrab via Dušan Vinžík/YouTube

The cyclist filming quickly shouts to his friend to stop, which some YouTube commenters took issue with, but it’s possible the clever bear was going to cut them off as they made a turn.

clever bear
Screengrab via Dušan Vinžík/YouTube

We don’t get to see the conclusion of this tale, but it seems like the men must have made it home okay. Unless it was the bear that uploaded the footage to YouTube?

Check out the full video below.

The Daily Dot