Hive Social on phone in hand in front of white background

Twitter alternative Hive forced to shut down over security vulnerabilities

The app was leaking private messages, posts, images, phone numbers, emails, and birthdates.

On Dec 1, 2022 by Mikael Thalen

hands holding phone with TikTok app loading on screen over internet security pattern blue background

TikTok vulnerability could have let hackers take over your account with just one click

The bug affected at least 1.5 billion TikTok users across the globe.

On Sep 1, 2022 by Mikael Thalen

A Mac keyboard with a virus key

Top antivirus software could have let a hacker crash your computer

Over two dozen antivirus products had the bugs.

On Apr 27, 2020 by Mikael Thalen

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Android security flaw could have let hackers hijack your phone’s camera

An attacker could also obtain GPS data and even listen in on calls.

On Nov 20, 2019 by Mikael Thalen


Untitled Goose Game vulnerability could have let hackers booby-trap your game

It seems fitting for a game centered around goose-inspired chaos and mayhem.

On Oct 29, 2019 by Mikael Thalen

google chrome vulnerability

How to update Google Chrome—and why you need to right now

Company reveals browser vulnerability being used in active attacks.

On Mar 7, 2019 by Mikael Thalen

sad fallout

Fallout 76 bug exposes gamers’ private data

Vulnerability reveals names, emails, addresses, phone numbers

On Dec 6, 2018 by Mikael Thalen

USPS data loss

USPS fixes ‘catastrophic’ bug that exposed 60 million users’ data

The agency reportedly ignored it for more than a year.

On Nov 23, 2018 by Mikael Thalen

facebook silhouette

Facebook patches vulnerability that could have exposed user data

Social media site denies bug was exploited

On Nov 13, 2018 by Mikael Thalen

facebook social media uninstall posts public 14 million users

The latest Facebook privacy blunder set 14 million users’ posts to public

It took four days to fix the error and even longer to protect posts.

On Jun 7, 2018 by Phillip Tracy

hotel security rfid lock

One-minute hack lets thieves break into any hotel room

A patch was released, but the vulnerability remains in the wild.

On Apr 26, 2018 by Phillip Tracy

Jen Gotch bando

Jen Gotch built an empire on rainbows—and a following on vulnerability

Women are flocking to her Instagram for the sparkly accessories, and staying for the real talk on mental illness.

On Dec 15, 2017 by Barbara Sueko McGuire

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Dear Aunt Acid: How do I stop being a ‘Frozen’ Elsa and be a vulnerable, romantic sap?

In our new advice column, Aunt Acid tackles what it takes to be open yourself up to rejection—and love.

On Jul 27, 2016 by Ester Bloom

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The radical, online vulnerability of SARK

SARK has built an online empire simply by being her honest self.

On Jun 17, 2016 by Jaya Saxena

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Dangerous new flaw proves that Macs aren’t as safe as you think

Buying a Mac doesn’t mean you’re invulnerable.

On Aug 3, 2015 by Mike Wehner

The Daily Dot