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How I created a new digital identity—and you can too

Even the most privacy conscious leave digital breadcrumbs back to their identity. Here’s how to keep your online trail clean.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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As politicians debate encryption, super-secure operating system Tails is more popular than ever

Since Edward Snowden endorsed it in June 2013, the use of Tails has skyrocketed.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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10 anti-surveillance tools that protect your privacy online

Take control of your online life.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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The state of encryption tools, 2 years after Snowden leaks

Strong privacy has never been more popular.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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The ISIS guide to staying anonymous online

These are good tips, even if you’re not a vicious terrorist.

On by Kevin Collier

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Flaw found in I2P anonymity network can reveal users’ identities

“It’s not enough to have faith upon security, rather to have an understanding of it.”

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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The website for operating system Tails has been hacked

It’s uncertain if the source files have been altered. 

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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How to use TAILS, the privacy OS behind the NSA leaks

Lock it down, people.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Beta testing for Tor’s anonymous mobile OS begins this spring

Here are all the details on Tor’s new mobile OS.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Tor takes anonymity mobile with new smartphone OS

Keep the digital spies out of your mobile life with TAILS.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

The Daily Dot