
Brush up on physics concepts with this $10 training course

Be honest: nobody remembers what they learned in high school.

On by The Daily Dot Bazaar

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The logical explanation for Mariah Carey’s massive NYE fail

Mariah Carey’s NYE show was a mess, but there’s a logical explanation

On by Monica Riese

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Meet Physics Girl, a heroine to science communication

Dianna Cowern is the science teacher you wish you had in high school

On by Cynthia McKelvey

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Dude explains why movies get the speed of sound wrong

You know movies embellish things, but did you know they use their own laws of physics?

On by Eric Geller

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Canadian Prime Minister politely explains quantum computing

Should we really be that excited?

On by Cynthia McKelvey

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Dr. Shini Somara makes learning physics fun in ‘Crash Course’

But for every woman in STEM, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

On by Carly Lanning

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Einstein was right! Gravity researchers make a massive scientific breakthrough

We can thank an implosion of two black holes for bringing us a huge breakthrough in science.

On by Aja Romano

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AsapSCIENCE parodied ‘Star Wars’ music with an a cappella tribute to the sciences

Chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics receive an awesome science fiction tribute.

On by Lisa Granshaw

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David Tennant explains Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity on its 100th anniversary

Not sure you understand the theory? No problem. David Tennant is here to help.

On by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

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The science of farting in the ‘Star Trek’ holodeck

Can you still smell outside smells in a virtual reality?

On by Aja Romano

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The Euler’s Disk is a physics toy that’s mesmerizing and educational

Prepared to be hypnotized by this simple science toy.

On by Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

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What would a concert sound like if you approached it at supersonic speed?

Ask and ye shall receive.

On by Cynthia McKelvey

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An illustrated guide to the fastest spaceships in the universe

It helps that none of them are using a Playstation for an engine.

On by Aja Romano

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Science explains why this basketball appears to fly

Backspin isn’t just for tennis.

On by Cynthia McKelvey

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Dudes blow up a microwave with just the power of a water bottle

From the guys who brought you the flying donut.

On by Gabe Bergado

The Daily Dot