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Will the DNC hack push politicians to finally use encryption?

Security experts say encrypted emails and chat apps are the right move.

On Jul 25, 2016 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Pentagon requests $12 million for new National Guard cyberwar facilities in Maryland

The two facilities have been on the Pentagon’s wishlist for years now.

On Apr 26, 2016 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Obama unveils $19 billion plan to overhaul U.S. cybersecurity

The new plan is a grab-bag of programs and initiatives to tackle persistent cyber issues.

On Feb 9, 2016 by Eric Geller

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Mystery hacker releases names of more than 20,000 FBI staffers

It’s the work of a pro-genetalia, pro-Buzz Lightyear, pro-Palestinian account.

On Feb 8, 2016 by Kevin Collier

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IT pros don’t think they can keep your mobile payments safe

‘It’s not as secure as they’d like it to be.’

On Feb 3, 2016 by Aaron Sankin

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U.S. cybersecurity expert is worried ISIS will hack the federal government

‘What I have to do is … assume that, at some point in time, they may be successful’

On Dec 15, 2015 by Aaron Sankin

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U.S. and China start detailing historic cybercrime pact

The two countries will conduct a joint exercise next spring to test their cooperative efforts.

On Dec 3, 2015 by Eric Geller

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China reportedly arrests OPM hackers

Chinese government vehemently denies involvement.

On Dec 2, 2015 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Congress wants to know how OPM hack could hurt U.S. spies

Could China blackmail U.S. spies into becoming double agents? Some politicians are worried.

On Dec 2, 2015 by Eric Geller

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Chinese state news outlet says Beijing did not direct OPM hackers

U.S. officials have privately blamed China for the devastating cyberattack.

On Dec 2, 2015 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Report details string of major cybersecurity breaches at federal agency

‘The intruders could have gained full functional control over…[the department’s] systems.’

On Nov 25, 2015 by Aaron Sankin

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New bill would give states and cities more resources to fight cyberattacks

Local governments face cyberattacks, too

On Nov 3, 2015 by Eric Geller

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Here’s the Obama administration’s plan for protecting the government from hackers

Strong encryption is on the rise in the federal government.

On Oct 30, 2015 by Eric Geller

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Senate passes major cybersecurity info-sharing bill CISA

Big business groups love the bill, but tech companies are divided.

On Oct 27, 2015 by Eric Geller

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White House backs CISA despite privacy groups’ concerns

‘There is an urgent and compelling need for cybersecurity legislation.’

On Oct 23, 2015 by Eric Geller

The Daily Dot