jeff flake

‘Welcome to the resistance’ Republicans were never going to stop Kavanaugh

It’s a fun gag online, but it never meant anything.

On by Brenden Gallagher

Jeff Flake Brett Kavanaugh

Jeff Flake adds more drama to an already fraught Kavanaugh nomination

There was drama on Friday in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Sen. Jeff Flake roasted Donald Trump in a speech where he announced he would not seek reelection in 2018.

Watch 2 sexual assault survivors confront Jeff Flake after saying he’ll confirm Kavanaugh

The two women spoke to Flake after he announced he would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.

On by Ellen Ioanes

jeff flake brett kavanaugh

Jeff Flake isn’t going to stop the Kavanaugh nomination

Flake could have spoken up before.

On by David Covucci

jeff flake

Jeff Flake rolls over on Trump Supreme Court pick

What about what he said on Tuesday?

On by David Covucci

Joe Arpaio, convicted former Arizona sheriff, said Sen. Jeff Flake's speech criticizing President Donald Trump could be considered an act of 'treason.'

Joe Arpaio says criticizing Trump could be considered ‘treason’

He’s also evidently not a huge fan of the First Amendment.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) condemned President Donald Trump's attacks on the press on Wednesday. However, only two senators reportedly were in the chamber.

Nobody came to Jeff Flake’s anti-Trump speech

Probably not the turnout he was hoping for.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) posed a $100 check that he is donating to Democrat Doug Jones in the Alabama Senate race later this month.

Jeff Flake donates $100 to Roy Moore’s opponent: ‘Country over Party’

In a tweet, Flake wrote ‘country over party’ with a picture of his check.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Sen. Jeff Flake roasted Donald Trump in a speech where he announced he would not seek reelection in 2018.

Here’s Sen. Flake’s big anti-Trump speech you may have missed

He doesn’t hold back.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Joe Arpaio speaking into microphone

Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio considering Senate run after Trump pardon

The former sheriff is a very controversial figure and Trump supporter.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Sheriff Joe Arpaio pardoned by Donald Trump

Donald Trump pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Twitter went bonkers

This newspaper’s epic tweetstorm is a must read.

On by Josh Katzowitz

AT&T sign

The Senate just voted to roll back your internet privacy

Republicans voted to nix rules that prevent ISPs from selling information about their customers’ browsing habits.

On by Dell Cameron

The Daily Dot