what is a botnet - A person typing on a computer, with different dots connected to it representing a botnet. The Your Password Sucks logo for the web_crawlr newsletter is in the upper right corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: What is a botnet?

Should you be worried about botnets and how can you protect against them?

On by Mikael Thalen

The Twitter logo with a robot emoji

Twitter verified a number of bot accounts—raising questions about security (updated)

Six users with fake profile pics were seemingly verified less than one month after being created.

On by Mikael Thalen

minecraft platforming video game

The botnet that broke the internet in 2016 was built for Minecraft

The Mirai botnet is now one of the most feared malware in existence.

On by Phillip Tracy

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The internet is freaking out after troll hijacks 150,000 printers, prints strange messages

Check if your printer is vulnerable. It probably is.

On by Phillip Tracy

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One of the longest living email-spam botnets is dead

Ukranian Cyber Police are conducting an ongoing criminal investigation into the malware.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Hacker who tried to get a U.S. journalist busted for heroin pleads guilty to botnet conspiracy

It’s a strong argument for never framing a journalist who’s smarter than you with Bitcoin-purchased heroin.

On by Kevin Collier

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Anonymous accused of running a botnet using thousands of hacked home routers

Go change your home router password now.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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FBI and Europol bring down ‘shapeshifting’ Beebone botnet

If you get an email from your ISP, you’ve been infected.

On by JC Sevcik

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Don’t get caught in a phishing scam this holiday season

You should always be on alert—especially now.

On by Selena Larson

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The black market for Chinese cybercrime is booming

The prices are cheaper and the tools are better than ever before.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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FBI marks Russian Evgeniy Bogachev as author of Gameover Zeus botnet

Finally, a crackdown on the scourge of Russian boater-hackers.

On by Kevin Collier

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The next big cyberattack could be launched from your fridge

Criminals have compromised your crisper.

On by Miles Klee

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Amazon hosts more malware than any other Internet service provider

Thieves use the company’s domains to shop for your private data.

On by Miles Klee

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Microsoft partners with FBI to take down nefarious botnet

When it came to its own bottom line, the tech giant got in bed with the government.

On by Miles Klee

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2 million hacked usernames and passwords discovered in a massive online dump

Wanna guess how many passwords were “password”?

On by Kevin Collier

The Daily Dot