
Two cats recreate iconic ‘Star Wars’ scene, and it is e-meow-tional

The Skywalker family has a moment in Cloud Kitty.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

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Cats don’t really understand the concepts of outer space, operatic fiction, or shot-for-shot remakes, but it is perhaps that ignorance that makes this video so wonderful.

In it, YouTuber Pasdidée enlists two cats to recreate the most poignant and iconic scene in the Star Wars oeuvre.

A plank of wood and a cat activity pole play the role of the platform in Cloud City where Luke looks on in horror as Darth Vader tells him the truth about his lineage.

Playing the roles of Anakin and Luke Skywalker are cats.

It’s The Empire Scratches Back, although I would have preferred this to be called The Empire Strikes Cat.H/T Reddit

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