
‘Better Call Saul’ premieres Sunday, but you can read the comic now

Prepare for the premiere of Breaking Bad‘s spinoff with AMC’s new comic.

Photo of Lisa Granshaw

Lisa Granshaw

The Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul may not premiere until Sunday, but AMC has a way for you to get your fix right now thanks to the release of a new digital comic book.

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The comic is titled “Client Development,” and according to Mashable it “sketches out the history of Saul and Mike, spinning off of a moment originally seen on Breaking Bad in the episode that introduced Saul.” It was written in collaboration with the show’s writers and is accessible to both Breaking Bad fans and people new to the franchise.

“That episode is complete as it is, but there was an opportunity there…to unpack something from that episode that directly leads us into Better Call Saul,” AMC’s senior vice president of digital media and content Mac McKean told Mashable in an interview. “Not that this is something you must read to get Better Call Saul, but having those extra layers out there seems really appropriate for this particular type of storytelling and this type of show.”


You can read “Client Development” in its entirety on the AMC website here. Better Call Saul premieres on AMC in two parts on Feb. 8 and Feb. 9.

Illustration via AMC

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