With all the different types of milk readily available today, it’s common for baristas to get some ultra-specific requests to lighten up a customer’s coffee. But an encounter recently described by one TikToker took things too far.
@hazey.0 wrote that she was “trying to take orders and an old man asked, ‘Can I get a coffee with br3ast milk?’”
“I just giggled awkwardly and he said, ‘Are you stupid? Make it.’ and I walked away and had someone else take his order,” she added.
Her clip has received 1 million viewers since going live three days ago.
@hazey.0 I wish he were kidding… #barista ♬ Follow my insta jack.beaudette – jack beaudette
The TikToker’s account is filled with outrageous-seeming recollections even beyond this one, leading some to question whether this actually happened or not. But the mere possibility led others to get preemptively freaked out that something similar might happen to them.
“as a barista i have yet to have this request but now it is my biggest fear,” wrote @toothpaste_kisses, while @natrcher claimed “if this ever happens to me im quitting on the spot.”
“You mean to tell me you didn’t pour the coffee in the cup and throw it on him??” asked @halleycore.
“How is that not grounds to have someone banned permanently from the store,” another viewer wanted to know.
A couple people even claimed to have encountered this kind of obnoxious customer in the wild themselves, with @pinkfart5 writing, “ive been asked this so many times because i have big yitties. do they genuinely think i can product it on the spot? do they think theyre funny?”
“Someone asked my mom this after having me…and she got so mad she took out a wet pad and slapped it on the counter,” @auntieimhungry said. “He laughed and tipped her $10 for a $2 coffee.”
“Me personally? I would have gone to jail,” admitted @miumiumacaron.
The Daily Dot has reached out to @hazy.0 via TikTok comment for more information.