The popular political fact checking website Politifact crashed during President Donald Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday night. 


Trump’s State of the Union crashed a fact-checking website

The jokes came quickly.


Andrew Wyrich


A popular political fact-checking website crashed during President Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

PolitiFact‘s website crashed for approximately five minutes during Trump’s speech when they were fact-checking statements made by Trump.

“Welp … our website just crashed,” they wrote on Twitter. “Thanks for reading ?!!? We’ll keep things up here on Twitter while we see what happened.”

Five minutes later the account said they were back up.

But within those few minutes, there were plenty of jokes and theories as to why the website crashed—including, of course, the sheer number of statements the group was fact checking.

“No computer on earth could keep up with that volume of lies,” one Twitter user wrote.

“You can only fact check Trump so many times in a day, & he’s talking a lot tonight lol,” another wrote.

But the jokes didn’t stop there.

When all was said and done, PolitiFact said Trump made two false statements, three mostly false statements, and one half true statements during the State of the Union.

Late last year the group named the president’s instance that Russia‘s interference in the 2016 election was “made up” and a “hoax” as its annual “Lie of the Year.”

You can read more about PolitiFact’s State of the Union fact-checking here.

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The Daily Dot