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GOP senator calls CNN reporter ‘liberal hack’

How not to avoid the press 101.


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A GOP senator dodged questions from a CNN reporter by dismissing him as a “liberal hack” on Capitol Hill on Thursday.

The Senate impeachment trial is expected to begin next Tuesday. This week the House of Representatives released new information surrounding Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s attorney, and his efforts to persuade the Ukrainian government, according to Politico. Now, everyone is wondering whether this information will serve as new evidence in the Senate trials.

Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) refused to answer that question to CNN reporter Manu Raju. She called him a “liberal hack” before shutting the door of a hearing room behind her in a video posted to Twitter by Raju.

A political hack is a derogative term that refers to someone that works solely to aid the victory of a political party.

“Q: Senator McSally, should the Senate consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trial? McSally: You’re a liberal hack I’m not talking to you Manu- You’re not going to comment about this? McSally: You’re a liberal hack,” @ManuRaju tweeted.


The new evidence consists of letters, notes, and emails by Giuliani and his associate Lev Parnas. Politico reports that the communication reveals Giuliani’s efforts to push the Ukrainian government towards an investigation of Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

The new evidence also debunks one of Trump’s primary defenses. He says that his team was working as a cutout of the U.S. government in order to fight corruption.

But, in letter between Giuliani and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Giuliani states the contrary. He says that he works as a private attorney for the president rather than a public servant.

“In my capacity as personal counsel to President Trump and with his knowledge and consent, I request a meeting with you on this upcoming Monday, May 13th or Tuesday, May 14th,” Giuliani wrote in the letter according to Politico.

Back on Capitol Hill, McSally reaffirmed what she called Raju and replied with the video on Twitter.

“A) you are. B) here’s the video,” McSally replied.

Raju noted on Twitter that McSally faces an upcoming election.

“Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican facing a difficult election race, lashed out when I asked if she would consider new evidence as part of the Senate trial. ‘You’re a liberal hack – I’m not talking to you. You’re a liberal hack.’ She then walked into a hearing room,” @mkraju tweeted.

The Trump campaign praised McSally for her trite insult.

Republicans in the Senate have expressed doubt that they will hear new evidence.

“I wonder why the House did not put that into the record and it’s only now being revealed,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said according to CNN. “Well doesn’t that suggest that the House did an incomplete job then?”

There is also a photo of a card with sample responses for senators to help move past reporters floating around that was published by CBS News.

“Please move out of my way, you are preventing me from doing my job…” the card states.

One Twitter user added McSally’s most recent response.

“They’re missing the ‘you’re a liberal hack’ phrase,” @BradMossEsq tweeted.


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