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Donald Trump blisters Obama for not stopping Russia election hacks

Did Trump just admit something very important?


Josh Katzowitz


Ever since he was elected, President Donald Trump has done all he can to deny that Russia meddled in the election.

Last week, though, he admitted in a tweet that he was under FBI investigation for possible ties to Russia, and after the Washington Post on Friday reported that the Barack Obama administration learned last August that Russia tried to help Trump, the president went on another Twitter rant stretching from Friday night into Saturday evening.

And in doing so, he seemed to admit that Russia did, in fact, meddle in the election.

Then, on Saturday, Trump interspersed rants on the Senate healthcare proposal with bashing former President Barack Obama for not trying to stop Russia. Here are his tweets in the order they were tweeted (and since when did Trump start referring to himself as ‘T’?).

If White House officials really have been allowing Trump to rant on early-morning phone calls so he’ll stop blasting out on Twitter, perhaps they need to find a better way to schedule their Saturday shifts.

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