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Milo Yiannopoulos calls himself a feminist, blames feminism for his Twitter ban

The conservative aggravator also doubles-down on his attacks on Leslie Jones.


Lyz Lenz


Last month, Milo Yiannopoulos, technology editor for Brietbart, was banned from Twitter for his role in the racist attacks against Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones. His tweets included calling Jones “a black character worthy of a minstrel show.”

Yiannopoulos, who has been temporarily banned from the platform before, has since been on a crusade to get himself reinstated.

Today, Yiannopoulos went on Facebook Live with Business Insider‘s James Cook to talk about his campaign against Twitter, which he claimed is a failing company that is being used as a “political tool.” He also said that it had been looking for reasons to kick him off for some time.

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At point during the interview, Yiannopoulos called himself a feminist, in that he believes women should have equal pay for equal work. Then, not long after, he called modern feminism “hateful, spiteful, man-hating, and [an] obnoxious sect of conspiracy theories.” He also blamed feminism for his Twitter ban.

The interview also served as another platform for Yiannopoulos to double-down on his attacks on Jones, who he called “not particularly physically appealing,” laughing as Cook read off his other names he called her like “black dude.”

He also argued that his only offense was disagreeing with a black woman on Twitter, which is the “highest crime or misdemeanor a person is capable of,” according to the “Identiarian politics of the social justice left.”

In the meantime, Yiannopoulos has filed a request for all the data the company has on him, arguing he’s entitled to it under European law. This wan’t his first interview protesting Twitter’s actions, either.

Disclaimer: Yiannopoulos established the Kernel, which was acquired by the Daily Dot in 2014.

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