
White woman who ‘transitioned’ races to Black is back

‘I can’t wait to go to Africa because I hear the food is tasty!’

Photo of Ana Valens

Ana Valens

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Martina Big, the women who declared she’s “transracial,” is back in the spotlight. The former “model” was first known in Europe for her enormous breast implants, but then stole headlines several months back for undergoing injections to darken her skin. Now, a recent appearance on Maury is giving the world a chance to see just how her racial “transition” is going.

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Maury Povich sat down with Big earlier this week, and throughout the interview, Big insisted that she considers herself a Black woman.

“I am Black,” she told Maury’s producer. “That is my race. I can’t wait to go to Africa because I hear the food is tasty!”

Big tried to defend herself, stumbling across her words, but the audience had no room for sympathy. Many were shocked at her statements and visibly offended by her insistence that she could change her race from white to Black, not to mention her complete ignorance of race, racism, and Black culture.


Maury, of course, didn’t let Big off the show without asking some stern questions.

“Everyone who’s watching this, who’s a person of color is going to say it’s not just skin-deep,” Maury told Big during the show, to standing ovations and roaring applause. “Do you think you want to learn about the Black culture, and do you think you can absorb all that?”

“I know, I feel a lot of this stuff,” Big replied.

Maury closed out the show asking Big if she felt like she was offending the Black community by changing her race. Of course, she wasn’t repentant in the slightest.


“I don’t want to offend them,” Big said. “It’s not my intention to offend somebody.”

White people living in blackface made a national splash two years ago when Spokane, Washington’s NAACP president Rachel Dolezal was revealed to be a white woman. Dolezal has since gone on to claim that she faces more oppression than transgender people do because she thinks she’s Black.

While there is much to unpack here with these white women’s assertions, let’s just kept it to science and say both Big and Dolezal somehow missed that unlike with gender, race is not an identity experienced on a neurological level. In other words, no matter what you say, ladies, you’re still white and you’re still deeply offending Black people.


H/T the Root

The Daily Dot