A Walmart employee talking into a phone.


‘They talk about employees behind their back’: Walmart worker quits, calls out managers over loudspeaker in viral TikTok

The worker accused his managers of mocking his autistic co-worker and hiding during rushes.


Charlotte Colombo


A former Walmart employee has gone viral for quitting his job over loudspeaker. In his announcement, he accuses the managers of mocking disabled employees as well as hiding in the back room during busy periods.

The TikTok, which was posted on Feb. 11, already has over 258,300 views at the time of writing.

The video begins with an automated voiceover as the user, who appears to be wearing a Walmart uniform, approaches the in-store PA system. “I decided to quit Walmart today, and this is what happened,” the voiceover narrated.

The employee, who identified himself as Robbie Jaggers to the Daily Dot, then picks up the phone and cites his reasons for leaving—appearing to implicate members of Walmart management in the process. Jaggers also confirmed to the Daily Dot that the Walmart branch in question was located in Naperville, Illinois.

“Attention all Walmart shoppers and members of management,” he says, beginning the broadcast. “It has come to my attention that the managers in the online grocery pickup department don’t respect any of their employees, and that they’d rather hide and be on their phones when it gets busy.”

He continues, “They also like making fun of employees with autism, and they are blatantly disrespecting every employee in that back room.”

The user signs off by saying, “So I’m not going to be representing this company anymore, I’m leaving. Have a good day.”

As he puts down the phone, he says to the camera, “Damn, that’s a lot to say.”

The footage, which appears to have been reposted from Snapchat, includes the captions, “I’m not working for people who bash someone with autism. Naperville Walmart is horrible.” A second caption reads, “I just wish I could’ve said more.”


While the comments on the TikTok were mostly supportive of the user, a few were critical. In response to one commenter who user who said the TikToker would not be able to find another job after posting this, Jaggers said, “I’ve already found another job.” When a second commenter then accused the user of posting the video for views, he replied, “I don’t even really care about the views. I did it mostly so upper management can finally step up and do something.”

Speaking to the Daily Dot, Jaggers, 20, said, “I quit Walmart because I felt like management doesn’t care about their employees. They talk about employees behind their back, too.”

He continued, “I decided to quit over the loudspeaker because I wanted something to be done about the team lead and coach of our department. All of us non-management associates get treated like garbage and when we try to speak out, management doesn’t care and they blow us off. I also was tired of seeing my friend with autism get made fun of for things she can’t control. Something had to be done.”

Going into detail about the purported bullying his autistic colleague allegedly faced, Jaggers added, “The most recent thing I remember them doing to her was making fun of the way she smells. They would make jokes about her hygiene and when she left the room, our team lead would spray Febreeze [sic] everywhere while covering her nose, making a huge deal out of it. That’s happened multiple times.”

According to Jaggers, nobody at Walmart has gotten in touch with him since he resigned and posted the clip.

Various members of Walmart’s Global Communications and Media Relations departments did not immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s request for comment via email.

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