Dallas Cowboys kneel before National Anthem

Screengrab via Zach Crutcher Sports Highlights/YouTube

Trump praises Dallas Cowboys for protesting the right way

Trump thinks that Dallas did it right.


David Covucci


Five days ago, no one would have guessed that the most pressing issue in the national conversation would be the ten minutes before every NFL game started. But due to President Donald Trump’s vulgar, Friday night call out of Colin Kaepernick, NFL players kneeling for the national anthem has been at the forefront of American politics.

Trump spent his Sunday and Monday effectively ordering NFL players, the majority of whom are Black, to stand for the national anthem, frustrated and angry at those who knelt down to protest police brutality and injustice.

In the last game of the NFL weekend, the Dallas Cowboys all linked arms and knelt down in advance of the anthem, before rising to stand.

This morning, Trump deemed that an acceptable protest.

At issue is whether the president has a right to dictate when and how private citizens can and should protest injustice. On Sunday, Trump’s Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin said NFL players should “do free speech” on their own time. In her press briefing on Monday, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said NFL players should not use the American flag to make their case.

The next NFL game is on Thursday, when the Chicago Bears take on the Green Bay Packers. Green Bay’s quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, posted an Instagram before Sunday’s games in support of the protest.

Update 12:02pm CT, Sept. 25: Later in the morning, Trump continued his tirade against NFL players taking a knee for the anthem, tweeting that the NFL should change its laws to prevent the behavior.

The Daily Dot