Tomi Lahren criticized March For Our Lives protesters—and Twitter relentlessly mocked her

The answer was in the title of the march.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Tomi Lahren March For Our Lives Twitter

When Tomi Lahren wondered in February why people couldn’t keep the politics out of the Parkland shooting, the conservative commentator was relentlessly mocked on Twitter. On Saturday, Lahren again waded into the gun control debate, criticizing those who participated in the massive March For Our Lives protests.

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Once again, Twitter was here to roast her.

While hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets on Saturday, Lahren tweeted this, wondering why the protesters weren’t standing for something.


Twitter was quick to mock her relentlessly.






According to organizers, the crowd size for the Washington march was estimated at 800,000 people, larger than Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd. Nearly 200,000 people reportedly showed up in New York. And hundreds of thousands of more marched in solidarity throughout the country.

Presumably, all of them could quickly explain to Lahren the point of their protests.

The Daily Dot