Terry Crews addresses his sexual assault experience in a series of 16 tweets.

Terry Crews/YouTube

Terry Crews opens up about being sexually assaulted by Hollywood exec

After the Harvey Weinstein revelations, actors are coming forward.


Samantha Reichstein


This article contains frank descriptions of sexual assault.

Amid the countless sexual assault allegations surrounding Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein, actor and former NFL player Terry Crews took to Twitter on Tuesday to reveal his own experience with sexual assault by a Hollywood executive.

In a series of tweets, the 49-year-old started his message referencing the recent investigation, in which many actors and actresses have spoken up about the director, including Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolie, to name a few.

“This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME,” Crews tweeted.

Crews went on to detail his experience, stating that he and his wife were attending a function in Hollywood last year.

“My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. [J]umping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk, ” Crews typed.

The actor states he contemplated acting out right in the moment, but decided not to based on how the media may play out the scenario.

“‘240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho’ would be the headline the next day. Only I probably wouldn’t have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left,” he tweeted.

After sharing his story with some in the industry connected to the perpetrator, Crews said he received an apology phone call from the executive soon after. However, he was never given reasoning as to why the assault occurred.

“I decided not 2 take it further becuz I didn’t want 2b ostracized— par 4 the course when the predator has power n influence. I let it go. And I understand why many women who this happens to let it go,” Crews wrote.

In his final remarks, Crews emphasized that many times in cases like these, few will believe you and many face repercussions. Relating his personal experience back to Weinstein, Crews ended his story with a message about the not-so bright lights of Hollywood.

“I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator.  Hollywood is not the only business we’re this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior—you are not alone. Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless,” he added.

On a similar note, actor Rob Schneider also shared his story with sexual assault, involving another Hollywood director.

While speaking to TMZ on Tuesday, the comedic star explained this isn’t just happening to women: He too was harassed in the movie industry.

“When I was a young actor, there was a gross director and it happened to me,” Schneider said. “The next thing I know, I’m in a room with this guy and he’s in a chair. He comes out in a bathrobe and sits in this chair. The next thing I know, he’s asking me to crawl on the ground and to crawl to him.”

Schneider says the famous director is now dead, but in the moment he didn’t think about calling the police or even telling his agent. He was simply disgusted by it.

A compilation of Crews’ tweets, can be viewed below.

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